Wednesday, September 15, 2010


OMG I cant believe I have neglected my blog when SO much has happened.

To update you over what has happened over the last couple of weeks, we were held up AGAIN and we had to wait for another 2-3 weeks (no fault of our own) for the Council to give us their approval. Unfortunately the Council were not satisfied with the excavators report - so we begged and begged Latitude Homes to provide the Council with the information that they require so that we could continue work, and they finally pulled through for us.

Then the slab went down (even though the weather was 6 degrees and REALLY windy - so a big ups to the Tradesmen)

But then for some reason the frames took a while to arrive. So after a few angry phonecalls (to our Building Company) and a visit from our Builder to Latitude Homes, the frames for our house were delivered and our builder was able to get to work. Would you believe that he had the first floor up on the same day! It was amazing! I went to work, and decided to do a drive-by on my way home and WOW! There was a house taking shape right on my section that had been sitting bare for months!

Our builder has 2 guys working with him - another builder and a labourer. He said 3 sets of hands are better than 2 because then people are continuously working even though one has to stop for a break or to answer phone-calls etc.

I am VERY happy at the moment.